Friday, April 11, 2008

Bummer Summer

I have been trying my darndest to maintain the utmost of unselfishness and positivism on this blog, but I'm about to fail.

Today I signed Carolyn up for daycare so I can go to summer school. They asked me if she should be signed up for lunches at the daycare.


How heartbreaking! My little bottle baby eating sloppy joes and tator tots and drinking mini cartons of milk. On one hand its cool; on the other its scary and sad. Isn't that wierd: I sign my summer away to take yucky school classes full time, and the thing I worry about is that my baby will eat adult food.

I was warned, but now I know, motherhood makes you crazy.

Here is our baby in a box.

1 comment:

Sara said...

The move from "baby" food to "people" food is a tough one... but it's really cool to go to a restaurant and not have to pack the kids supper :)
It'll be OK...