Well, we have been busy, but not really with anything too spectacular. I am back to school and Carolyn is too. The signs are all there... the messy house, no food in the fridge, and we are all sick with something that came home from daycare. Ahh, the communal germ and virus pool that children swim in every day. At least I have some interesting classes this semester.
Well, I guess I better get everyone caught up on the cuteness that is our daughter.

Is it a tweet-tweet (bird), is it a blfffff (airplane)? No, its redneck baby! (Please do not be offended by this image)

Here I am getting my hair done by my little beautician:

A new favorite food:
YAY! You updated :)
I like your "Is it a tweet-tweet, is it a blfff"... that was funny!
And Carolyn did an excellent job on your hair, especially for a 1-year-old... maybe she could come over and do mine sometime.
Love you guys!
Hmmmmm... Why is my sweet, innocent, adorable niece wearing a terrible PBR hat? I have to agree with her on the black olives though, both fun and delicious!
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