Tuesday, December 23, 2008
"Holy Empty Shelves, Batman!"
I went Christmas shopping.
No smiley face, no exclamation point; it was completely a failure. I needed to get: socks (forgot), a sled (the aisle was completely devoid of merchandise), a certain gift for Bryan (wrong size), and some other gift for Carolyn (she was with me, does it even count then?).
Oh, have I made this Christmas un-fun or what? Mostly I'm worried about money, so I've largely limited our potential merriment. It's even been too cold to go outside, so we can't even enjoy all of this snow while we try to be un-materialistic. Our dryer broke, our heat keeps going out, and Bryan can't even go fishing with his Dad!
What is going on this year?
I guess the only enlightenment I'm getting is that we are still pretty lucky even though I'm acting like Scrooge. I can't help but think that it would be pretty selfish of me to take a picture perfect Christmas, with a tree surfing on top of awesome gifts, for granted. There are so many people without Mommies and Daddies or any gifts at all, no heat, no cars, no nice comfy apartments, and the list goes on.
Kind of makes me think back to what the Christmas story was all about, and that's the important thing, right?
I just want to say that I love you all (yes, you), and I am so lucky to be spending Christmas with my wonderful family in this amazing place I call home!
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Two more to go!
Thanksgiving was BRUTAL this year, we ate enormous meals for 5 days straight. My stomach hasn't stopped hurting for a week. This is not a good thing actually, because my doctor wants me to take some more tests to figure out what's going on with my body, lately. I've gained more than 20 pounds in the last month and apparently that is not normal. That coupled with extreme fatigue, unbelievable pain, and some other strange things makes me worry. But, as usual, I'm sure its nothing but stress, so it's not worth the trouble.
Oh, we got approved for a home loan, so we might start looking at houses (maybe, if it doesn't cause me to gain another 20 pounds!). Carolyn tells us, "Carolyn home" when we talk about it, so maybe she's trying to convince us to get her a place with a yard and the potential for a puppy...
Well, that's what's on my mind right now. Perhaps someday I'll have the ability to post pictures again!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I've been thinking...
My daughter is a genius when it comes to words. I realized this yesterday when we were driving; she pointed and said "Schood bus" when a big yellow bus drove past.
Bryan is perhaps the most patient man in the world, except when his shoes are stuck on his feet, then he completely goes berserk.
We have exactly 3/8 of a dining room table.
When I was a sophomore in college I told someone that my favorite quote was from Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carrol (think Alice in Wonderland). I think that it still is.
In a way, I guess it reminds me of what I think congress must be talking about... sorry, sometimes I think I'm funny. But really! why does it seem like our government is so busy worrying about things that don't make any sense to me (Baseball steroid use, horse welfare, cruise security, etc.) I'm worried about real issues that will affect my family and my children's future. What if I am upset that neither presidential candidate appeals to me in any way? that I don't find anyone up for election worthy of representing me, even at the most local level? I am almost at the point of not caring anymore! But that would be unpatriotic, and so would moving to the Northwest Territories, so I guess I'll just keep worrying about it.
I will also have to beg for mercy for my lack of pictures. I don't have time to go online, regularly, at home this semester, and I don't have pictures at school, so you're just gonna have to live with it.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Morning Sickness
Carolyn woke up this morning at 5 and was in pain of some sort : (
I am kind of scared because I don't know what's wrong and she is obviously not doing very well; but I am letting her sleep for a while before I bring her in to the doctor. It occurs to me that this may just cause her not to nap as easily later today when I really am fed up with coddling an irrationally unhappy child. I'm just all around worried about my little monkey-bean... I'm probably more of a wreck than she is. I can't help it though, her little cries of "Dadda 'a Momma" break my heart when I don't know what's wrong. She thinks I can make it better.
Okay, enough divulging of my insecurities as a mother; here are some really cute things that will make me feel better as I'm posting them:
Carolyn wants YOU to provide her with candy!

When asked "How did you get up there," Carolyn replied " a'know?" (I don't know)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Blog-o-naut, or is it Blog-not?
Well, I guess I better get everyone caught up on the cuteness that is our daughter.

Is it a tweet-tweet (bird), is it a blfffff (airplane)? No, its redneck baby! (Please do not be offended by this image)

Here I am getting my hair done by my little beautician:

A new favorite food:

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Home At Last
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Babble Baby
On a more serious note, last night we were awakened shortly after 1 am to the sound of multiple sirens rushing by. I didn't think it was anything until they kept coming for another 20 minutes. When I looked out our window, there were flames shooting over a hundred feet in the air and totally engulfing the apartment across the road from us. Within an hour, two very large apartment buildings and their surroundings had entirely burned to the ground. It took all of the resources of Fargo, West Fargo and Horace just to keep the burn under control. They had to evacuate hundreds of apartments from the surrounding buildings. Some of you might know that we have a problem with our neighbors starting fires in our building (accidentally, but still!) and I don't really think anyone takes it seriously. I hope that next time they actually realize the damage they could have caused.
Don't play with matches, don't smoke in bed, don't overload your outlets, etc.; but most of all, be safe!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Just plain tired : P
I could really use a nap.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
More summer pictures
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Hurray for Summer
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Ahh, the lazy days of summer
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Keeping up is hard to do

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Baby On Board

We went on vacation with Carolyn this last weekend. Our friends Peder and Katie were getting married, so we packed up and spent Friday through Sunday in the twin cities. I think it took a bit for Carolyn to get used to the idea of not being at home, but she was so good, not to mention CUTE as usual. I think the worst thing is that there was way too much just sitting still.

We went to the zoo on Sunday and Carolyn loved it! It was so nice outside (maybe hot would be more appropriate). I didn't know if she would actually notice the animals or care, but I was pleasantly surprised. In true mommy and daddy fashion we forgot to grab the camera out of the car. Otherwise we might have gotten some really cute pictures of baby with a tiger (try telling her that you can't pet it through the glass), trying to kiss the lemurs, or screaming at the mountain goat. She had a blast! She also got to drink juice bags and eat her yogurt bites (her two favorite things) so I think it was an appropriate celebration of being a "big" 1 years old.
We'll see if she has learned any bad habits for road trips... we're going on another one this weekend. We're going up to Cloquet, MN for whitewater rafting and camping with our families. I hope it is nicer than the forecast says it will be!

Monday, June 2, 2008

This has been an eventful couple of weeks, and I can't possibly put all the good stuff into one post, so I'll be back tomorrow to continue the Little C. saga.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
One year ago...
Carolyn started walking on saturday at Alex Nordick's graduation party. What that little munchkin won't do for a dandelion...
Stay tuned for a full pictorial "day in review" of her b-day (now that I have batteries in the camera). And don't blame me for the lack of pictures and video... Bryan decided to go "old school" and start using Al's 35 mm camera instead of taking mass quantities of digital pic.s like we've been doing.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
teeter toddlering
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Feeding Frenzy
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Stress test or test stress?

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Baby Crayolyn

Friday, April 18, 2008
Beach Baby, Beach Baby, There on the Sand...

Thanks go to Auntie Sara for the awesome pictures and the fabulous idea to go to the park;
we love you!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Bummer Summer
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Where did the spring go?

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Spring Fever
Okay and a video... I know this is a lot, but I've been slacking off in the blog dept. lately! Bryan has been making forts lately and Carolyn LOVES them!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Catching a Lepre-Carolyn

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Where is a camera when you need one?
She also got her first post-checkup sticker. When she got it, she put it in her mouth and took a bite out of it. She was so cute with her sticker with the chunk missing, I loved it.
This morning the bus was running early, so when we stopped for the bus driver's break he let her sit in his seat and "drive" the bus. She was hitting the horn button like it is some kind of kid instinct to do so... or maybe they have a fake bus steering wheel simulator at daycare?
Friday, March 7, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
No more vacation, please
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Happy leap year
She keeps teasing us with some more teeth that are ready to pop out, but no progress yet. Bryan says that's okay because she'll look funny with teeth... I think she'll just manage to be a little cuter! I think she'll be a biter, though. Right now its just funny if she bites; we're not used to her having teeth in there. She is becoming a cheerio vaccuum. Sometimes she eats Cheerios that have been "lost" in the house. She was eating one in the living room the other day; it really scared me, I didn't know what she had gotten into.
Here are some more pictures: