As a tribute to this past summer, I wanted to share my favorite picture of the season. This is from camping at Turtle River State Park with Grammy and Grandad.

My sister's wedding is coming up soon, so Carolyn has a beautiful new "wedding dress", aka: flower girl dress, and you wouldn't believe how excited she is to wear it. We get it out of the closet daily. I am not as excited to wear mine. It fits perfectly except in one area (if you know me, you understand) and I'm feeling a little self-conscious. But I AM VERY EXCITED to wear the jewelry. My mother and I got to go design some custom jewelry at a local business and we had a blast. It is all going to turn out absolutely, fabulously cool.
We are still working on the bathroom and Bryan is gone for a week to do some pheasant hunting, so you can imagine how frustrated I'm getting. At least Carolyn loves taking baths at her grandparents' houses.