Let's just say Carolyn had a great Christmas; all 5 of them.
My parents had an early Christmas, Bryan's Grandparents had Christmas Eve, the in-laws had Christmas day, we opened presents at our house, and then my parents had a second Christmas. I told Carolyn the other day that we were going to go visit Grandma and she looked at me with a serious expression and nodded her head convincingly while saying "Open presents, again."
And on a serious note (to a certain 19-month-old):
Santa broken
We recieved an inflatable Santa from a friend of our family a couple years ago and BOY was it a DOOZY! It was the best (by that I mean most ugly) decoration EVER!!! It looked like Obi Wan Kenobi glowing red with an inflatable round mustache that was completely separate from the rest of its face. Then it had a gigantic white ball on top of its head that failed at all to resemble the puff on Santa's hat. It was roughly shaped like one of those punching bag clowns that always pop back upright and it was constructed out of the same vinyl stuff that they make water flotation devices out of (to its eventual demise). I was pregnant when we first inflated it, and lets just say I rolled around on the ground for a good hour laughing so hard I almost peed myself!
We took this Santa and put it in front of our friends' house, randomly, and it was hilarious. Well, when they moved we stole it back and were going to vandalize someone else's home this year. We went to go inflate it with the air compressor, and while Dad worked on it, Carolyn and I hung out in the house. We were sitting there eating a cookie when we heard a loud BOOM that sounded like a bomb going off. Carolyn was scared so we went to check on Dad to make sure everything was alright. We peeked out the door and asked what happened; Dad said, "huh?"
While Santa's boots were inflating, the brittle frozen plastic shattered and exploded.
Well, this whole event was very notable to Carolyn who had no idea that there was a difference between the Santa we had been talking about bringing presents and the Santa that just gave daddy a percussion headache and temporary deafness.
To add to the confusion, daddy decided to put him in the dumpster with his head peeking out like he had succumbed to the poor economy and was in a last-ditch effort to fill his gift quota.
If you call the Hall home now, or walk in the door you will hear of this story, still. You see it lives on in the mind of Carolyn. She is obsessed with the memory of the Santa that 'sploded, just like a balloon. We can't walk outside without hearing that he peeked out of the dumpsters. Quite frankly its getting to be a little old.
Won't someone start a Valentine on fire or something?